
Unit Pack: Available In 10 Kg,25 Kg Packing.


  • The composition of Dalhan Special is based on ligno-sulphate.
  • It is specially designed for obtaining high yield & quality produce of oilseeds and pulses.
  • It helps to generate white root & nitrogen nodules.
  • It also helps in building up tolerance against fungal diseases and overcoming stress caused by application of herbicides.
  • Use of Dalhan Special enhances fertilizer uptake which in-turn increases oil and protein percentage in the plant.

Dalhan is recommended to use through soil application for Cotton,Soybean, Seasame, Ground nut, Safflower, Sunflower, Pigeon pea, Bengal Gram, Green Gram, Pea, Lobiya & other Beans Crop.

Sr No. Dose
1 25 Kg per Hectare(10 Kg per Acre).
Direction of use : At the time of sowing or 15-20 days after germination.

Note: The above results/benefits are based on trial observation conducted at our research farms and farmers fields.

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