
Unit Pack: Available In 50ml,250ml,500ml,1 litre,5 litre Packing.


  • Stress-Free is a multi-micronutrient based product.
  • This product is specially designed to enable the crop to overcome weedicide stress; is to be mixed with weedicide.
  • The foliar spray of Stress-Free along with recommended weedicide protects the main crop from leaf chlorosis, prevents stunted growth, however does not affect the efficacy of weed control.

Stress-Free is recommended to spray with weedicide as per the regular practice and time schedule of weedicide spray.

Sr No. Dose
1 300 ml in 100 litre of Water
2 Note :Please do not use this product with non-selective weedicide like-Glyphosate, Paraquat dichloride (Glycel, Roundup,Gramoxone).
3 Do not use "Stress-Free" with Tamar in sugarcane variety are i) 265 ii) 8005 iii) 10001

Note: The above results/benefits are based on trial observation conducted at our research farms and farmers fields.

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