
Unit Pack: Available In 100gm, 250gm, 500gm,1 kg Packing.


  • Maxibor (Boron 20%) fulfils boron requirement of crops; can be utilized for foliar application as well as soil application.
  • Water solubility is 100% so can be used through drip also.
  • The use of Maxibor helps in growth of new cells, sugar transportation, cell division activation, development of pollen tube length, pollen germination.

Maxibor can be recommended as soil application for calcareous, alkaline as well as lateritic soil at
∎ Planting Stage
∎ As top dressing application.

Sr No. Dose
1 Through Soil : In soil which are calcareous or highly alkaline application of 6.25 kg per Hectare( 2.5 kg per acre)are recommended for effective result.
2 Through Drip : 3.5 Kg per Hectare ( 1.5 Kg per acre)
3 Through Foliar :100 gm in 100 litre of water.

Note: The above results/benefits are based on trial observation conducted at our research farms and farmers fields.

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